Glow Gallery

“Last week we ended with a special activity. We watched this video about artists who paint with their mouths or toes. I explained how some people (not all) celebrate a holiday called Christmas and one of the traditions is to send out greeting cards. After watching the video I paused on a few pictures and pointed out how detailed and beautiful they were...and how it was amazing that this was not only a great artist who painted it but one who painted without the use of their hands! Then in the afternoon we tried it ourselves to gain a better appreciation of just how talented these artists were. We drew monster pictures for the Glow Gallery and painted them with neon watercolors using only our mouths or feet! Of course we washed the brushes well, tried out our mouths first and then toes, and made sure to sit spaced apart to keep germs from spreading. We all had a blast! It was SO HARD!” -Ms. Annette, Second Grade Teacher and Co-Founder